Longhand Square Roots (written explanation)
You can stop at anytime, but since we've had so many zeros, let's keep going! #squareroots #squareroot #longhand #byhand
Finding Square Roots without a Calculator
Here is a video tutorial that shows you how to find square roots of imperfect squares by hand. This method can also be used to find the...
Linear Equation Practice Links
Linear Functions: Writing Linear Equations from Two Points Constructing Linear Equations Word Problems --(In the left column you can also...
Finding the Vertex in Quadratic Equations
There are two forms a quadradic equation is usually presented in: Vertex Form and Standard Form. Finding the vertex is different for each...
Domain & Range Overview
The people over at Khan Academy have some great explanations of Domain and Range: Domain and Range of a Function Domain and Range from a...
Finding the average rate of growth with an exponential growth graph
What if we had a question that looked like this: As we know, an exponential graph does not have a consistent rate of change-- that is...
Exponential Growth and Decay-- an overview
Here's a handy overview of exponential growth and decay, as well as a little extra on growth factors. #exponentialdecay...